For new business and other enquiries please contact Owen Mack, Managing Director.

Cobrandit is headquartered in Boston, MA and manages production services around the country and overseas.


HUBweek | Event Sizzle Reels, Interview Set

HUBweek is a celebration of the world-changing work, art and thinking being imagined and built in Greater Boston.

To kick off the 2016 event we conducted a set of seven on location interviews and cut the above brand statement piece (including in-house motion graphics). The interviews were also edited into a series of 7 stand alone shorts: the Changemaker Series seen here.

During HUBweek itself Cobrandit shot 25+ events in Boston, Cambridge and Somerville over 7 days…panel sessions, research labs, maker studios, public events, drone races, and more. We then cut the :90 sizzle reel (below) to music performed by Yo Yo Ma and his ensemble as captured at the Fenway Forum opening event. The piece was used as a highlight reel, and multiple versions were cut for sponsor thank-you’s.

Instagram :15 version: Check it out.

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